The Febrile Infant
Resources to Review Prior to Conference

Goals and Objectives
Trainee will demonstrate competence in the initial evaluation and management of the febrile infant (<= 60 days old)
Trainee will be able to:
Apply prediction rules for risk stratifying infants 60 days old or younger
Explain when to utilize certain diagnostic tests for febrile infants, including:
Urinalysis and culture (including appropriate method of collection)
Peripheral blood diagnostic studies (e.g., CBC, procalcitonin)
Blood cultures
CSF analysis
Respiratory viral panels
Chest x-ray (limited indications)
Describe the indications for, appropriate timing of (relative to diagnostic studies), and choice of agent in empiric antibiotic therapy for febrile infants
Name the appropriate disposition for infants age 28 days or younger with fever
Describe which febrile children age 60 days or younger may be eligible for discharge

Additional Resources
Evaluation and Management of the Febrile Infant (Ped EM Practice 2019) (Free resident access)
Pediatric Fever (EM:RAP 2018)
Pediatric Fever (CDEM 2015)
Clinical Guidelines
Febrile Infant Pathway (CHOP 2019)
Consensus Statements
Fever in Well-Appearing Infants and Children Younger Than 2 Years (ACEP Clinical Policy 2016) (pdf)